Getting Started & Support

You are welcome to the TERAS Service Desk. You can reach us through any of the following channels with issues you encounter while using TERAS services:
0903-526-8774 OR 0912-415-7084

Step 1 - BIMS Registration & Onboarding

Public Unveiling

Users wishing to access the full benefit of TERAS need to have a BIMS account.
1. Before accessing TERAS, users should register on BIMS.
2. Users without a BIMS account, users should contact the Director of ICT of their institution. Only the DICT of the institution can onboard a user to BIMS.
3. Using your BIMS account, you can access resources in TERAS as a student or staff of any tertiary institution.

Step 2 - TERAS Roles

TERAS supports a variety of roles within the ecosystem. Please ensure when enrolling in BIMS, you are captured in the proper role for your institution.

1. Learners & Students
Students and Learners may access TERAS for services such as EagleScan for plagarism checking, referencing TERAS repository, access research journals through EBSCO, ICDL programs for Digital Literacy, amongst other services.

2. Staff, Lecturers & Researchers
TERAS empowers staff, lecturers, and researchers with access to research journals, online elearning enchancements, ICDL programs for Digital Literacy, as well as for processing of grants, academic staff training and development for conference attendance, etc.

3. Institutional Roles
TERAS empowers institutions with managing services on TERAS for their student and staff, also enables processing of grants, ICDL programs for Digital Literacy, interventions, etc at the institutional level, where applicable. For each beneficiary institution, the following roles are available:
3a. Director of ICT (DICT) - Primarily responsible for managing user identitenties through BIMS and TERAS
3b. Librarian & Repository Manager - Primarily responsible for for managing institutional repositories on TERAS, EagleScan, and eJournal access
3c. TETFund Desk Officer - Primarily rsponsible for processing of grants, and interventions, etc.

Step 3 - Accessing Services on TERAS

All services in the TERAS ecosystem may be accessed depending on your specific role within your institution. Once enrolled in BIMS, you should receive an email from BIMS confirming your enrollment. Please follw the instructions on BIMS to update your profile. Once done with BIMS, you may login to TERAS, and start enjoying access to all the services available to you.